
人民币贸易结算的影响因素——基于大国博弈视角的一般均衡分析 被引量:6

THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE INVOICING IN RENMINBI——In the Perspective of General Equilibrium Analysis between Large Nations
摘要 本文利用一个三部门(两个贸易部门、一个非贸易部门)的静态一般均衡模型,分别在名义工资黏性与实际工资黏性条件下分析货币供给冲击对贸易大国之间结算货币选择造成的影响。结论认为,出口商品结构、国内市场销售厂商占本国市场份额与同部门出口商占进口国市场份额的比值(市场份额比率)以及由汇率波动所引起的两国货币交易成本差额的变化对贸易大国之间结算货币选择策略具有决定性作用。为进一步推动人民币贸易结算的发展,中国与美国、欧盟和日本的进口交易可在产业内贸易模式下选取价格替代弹性较大、市场份额比率较高的产品作为推动人民币贸易结算的重点目标,同时应尽快提升人民币的可兑换性和流通能力,并尽量保持币值稳定以降低人民币对其他主要国际货币的交易成本。 This paper theoretically analyzes the effect of monetary shock on currency invoicing in the circumstance of nominal and of real wage stickiness by a three-sector (two tradable sectors and one nontradable sector) model of general equilibrium analysis. The crucial factors of determining currency invoicing are substitution elasticity of tradable products, market share ratio of domestic selling to export, as well as the moving gap of transaction cost of trade nations'currencies due to fluctuation of exchange rate. In order to promote international trade invoicing in Renminbi, China should take the import products which have large elasticity of substitution and high relative market ratio in intra-industry trade with United States, European Union and Japan as main objects to be invoiced in yuan. In addition, China should also advance convertibility and circulation of Renminbi, keep stable value of Renminbi as far as possible in order to reduce its transaction cost compared to international trade invoicing currencies.
作者 史龙祥
出处 《经济理论与经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期14-24,共11页 Economic Theory and Business Management
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(11CGJ010) 上海市曙光计划项目(10SG52) 上海对外经贸大学地方本科085工程学科科研项目 重点学科专业建设项目(Z085YYJJ13017)
关键词 贸易大国 结算货币选择 价格替代弹性 市场份额比率 交易成本 large trade nations currency invoicing composition of trade commodities price elasticity transaction cost
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