Ample evidence has shown that the empathy capacities of medical students for negative events gradually decrease throughout the medical school, which indicates that medical training can affect the medical students' empathy. Empathy has also been shown to play an important role in journalists' communication with the respondents. However, so far no study has explored empathy for pain in journalists. In our present study, we investigated the empathy for pain of journalists compared to non -journalists. We recruited 30 journalists ( 13 males and 17 females) and 30 non - lists with no experience of journalist ( 15 males and 15 females) as controls. 20 pain - related visual pictures and 10 non - pain pictures were selected and used as the stimuli for the pretest before our formal experiment. After the presentation of one of these stimuli, subjects were asked to rate the pain intensity of themselves induced by the stimulus by the 10 - point Likert- type scale (0 - not painful and 10 -most painful). We compared the pain index (PI), which were the sum of scores of all pain pictures for each subject between journalists and non -journalists. We found that the PIs of journalists were much higher than that of non -journalists. Moreover, the PIs were positively related to the career time of journalists. However, the scores of the non - pain stimuli did not differ significantly between journalists and non - journa- lists. These results indicate that journalists display much higher pain empathy compared to non -journalists. Further analysis showed that the PIs did not show significant differences when they were engaged in different television programs, which means that journalist types have no significant effect on pain empathy. But journalists did report a higher level of care for others in social life compared to non - journalists, suggesting that more care for others due to career training could be one of the factors influencing empathy in journalists. As we know so far, we provided the first experimental evidence for the higher empathy of journalists and also explored the potential factors influencing the empathy capacity of journalists. Therefore, our research is helpful to enrich the achievements in this field and contributes to our understanding of how career training affects human empathy.
Journal of Psychological Science
journalists, pain, empathy ability