
母语者与二语者屈折词和派生词语素加工的差异 被引量:7

The Difference between Native and Non-native speakers in Processing Inflected and Derived Morphologically Complex Words
摘要 语素加工是指基于一定的构词规则,将语素复杂词分解为多个语素,并通过加工和重组建构起对整词意义理解的过程。屈折词和派生词是英语中最为常见的语素复杂词。研究表明,母语者加工母语和二语者加工二语时的语素加工模式存在显著的差异,母语者对于规则变化的屈折词和派生词能够进行较为彻底的分解加工,而二语者则基本依赖整词匹配加工,但却对派生词表现出分解加工的倾向。今后的研究需要对二语者是否能够获得类似母语者的语素分解加工能力,以及母语者和二语者语素加工模式出现差异的原因进行探究。 Morphological processing refers to the decomposition of morphologically complex words into its constituents based on certain word - formation rules, which ensures the activation of meaning through reconstruction of the constituents. In recent years, the pattern of morphological processing of the second language learners has gained its popularity among researchers. In the domain of second lan- guage morphological processing, researchers discovered that there are significant differences between native and non - native speakers. With regard to decompose morphologically complex words, the dual - mechanism model pointed out that two distinct representational systems and the corresponding processing mechanisms are involved : the whole word pattern and the rule - based structured pattern. The native speakers tend to use a rather stable and efficient rule - based pattern, whereas the non - native speakers tend to face more prob- lems and depend mainly on the whole word system. This article introduces a series of latest studies with respect to the pattern of morpho- logical processing as well as the differences between L1 and L2 speakers in detail. Furthermore, previous research showed that native and non - native speakers are different in processing the inflected and derived words. Native speakers showed rule - based decomposi- tion when processing both regularly inflected and derived words, while non -native speakers relied more on whole -word storage even though they showed the tendency for decomposition when processing inflected words. As a result, this article compared the differences between L1 and L2 speakers in detail, provided that the possible causes underlie the L1 and L2 disparity and the possible factors involved that may influence the process. However, in future studies, more research is still required to investigate whether non -native speakers will achieve native -like performance in decomposing morphologically complex words. Besides, the factors accounting for the difference between native and non - native speakers also require further analysis.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期322-328,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 "国家社会科学基金项目(11BYY039)" 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才(NECT-11-0028)项目的资助
关键词 语素加工 屈折词 派生词 英语 morphological processing, inflected word, derived word, English
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