The present study is conducted to explore the relationship among academic achievements, academic emotions and academic ability self-concept of junior middle school students in Mathematics, as well as to provide empirical evidences for a hypothesis of Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions proposed by Pekrun(2006)who suggested that academic achievements can produce a reaction on academic emotions through control-related appraisals. A sample of 342 students from a junior middle school ( 49.42% girls; 31.87% grade 7, 30.70% grade 8, 37.43% grade 9) in Hunan Province of China completed Mathematics self-concept questionnaire and Adolescence academic emotions questionnaire. The mathematics achievement indicators were the students’ mathematics test scores in mid-term exam before this investigation. The survey was conducted with the help of the class advisers at the end of April, 2012. The data were used for MANOVA , and Post Hoc Test(LSD)by SPSS, and for SEM by AMOS. The results (See Table 1) of MANOVA and LSD show that in junior middle school: (1) No significant differences exist between positive-high arousal emotions of male students and those of female (p〉.05); (2) Positive-low arousal emotions of male students are significantly higher than those of female students((p〈.05); (3) Negative-low and negative-high arousal emotions of male students are significantly lower than those of female students (p≦.01); (4) Both positive-high and positive-low arousal emotions of grade 7 students are significantly higher than those of grade 8 and 9 students (p〈.01); (5) There are significant variances among negative-low arousal emotions of three different grade students(p〈.01) with grade 9 the highest, grade 8 the second and grade 7 the lowest; (6) There are not significant variances among negative-high arousal emotions of three different grade students(p〉.05). Taking the influence of gender and grade into control, the results (See Figures 1, 2, 3, 4) of SEM show that: (1) Through academic ability self-concept, mathematic achievements indirectly predict academic emotions with positive predictions on positive emotions and negative predictions on negative emotions; (2) Mathematic achievements have no significant direct effect on academic emotions; (3) All paths are significant at p 〈.001. The conclusions of this study are: (1) In junior middle school, male students have higher mathematics positive emotions and lower mathematics negative emotions than those of female students; Positive emotions decrease and negative emotions increase with grade. (2) Mathematics academic ability self-concept is the full mediator factor between mathematics academic achievements and mathematics academic emotions. Based on research of Goetz, Frenzel, Hall, & Pekrun in 2008, this article discussed the characteristics of 4 types including 13 mathematics academic emotions and their relationships with mathematics academic achievements and mathematics academic ability self-concept so as to verify the correctness of Pekrun’s assumptions about the relationship between academic achievements and academic emotions.
Journal of Psychological Science
junior middle school student, mathematics, academic achievement, academic emotion, self-perceived academic ability