
法治视域下民族干部选拔与培养的思考 被引量:5

Thinking of Minority Cadres Selection and Training under the Rule of Law Perspective
摘要 加强民族干部的选拔和培养,有利于坚持和完善民族区域自治制度、巩固和发展民族团结、维护稳定的政治局面、振兴民族地区经济及提高民族地区竞争力。目前,我国民族干部的数量虽有所增长,但总体数量仍显不足,整体素质有待提高,专业结构也欠合理。以云南省的民族干部选拔与培养情况为分析标本,提出若干完善少数民族干部培养与选拔的措施,包括扩大民族岗的范围、实行少数民族特考制度、加试少数民族语言和文化知识、加强对民族干部的民族政策与民族法制教育、加大岗位培训和挂职锻炼的力度等。 Strengthening minority cadres selection and training is advantageous to sticking to and enrich the system of regional ethnic autonomy, consolidating and developing national unity, maintaining the stable political situation, the revitalization of the national area economy, and improving the competitive ability of the ethnic minority areas. At present, the amount of minority cadres is more than the past, but total quantity is still inadequate, cultural quality needs to be strengthened, professional structure distribution is unreasonable. In Yunnan province as an example, we should take measures of minority cadres selection and training, including expanding the scope of the minority cadres post, carrying out a special examination system of ethnic minorities, taking an examination of adding additional test of minority language and culture, strengthening the national policy and the legal system education, and strengthening job training , etc.
作者 王永才 田艳
机构地区 中央民族大学
出处 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期54-58,共5页 Guizhou Ethnic Studies
关键词 法治 民族干部 选拔 培养 the rule of law, minority cadres, selection, training
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