
砌体填充墙的抗爆性能 被引量:10

Anti-blast properties of masonry infill walls
摘要 为了揭示砌体填充墙的抗爆破坏机理,在野外实验中,测得了爆炸条件下砌体填充墙上的爆炸荷载及位移,得到了墙的抗爆性能、破坏模式以及碎片的飞散和分布情况。实验结果表明,墙体的破坏模式与荷载的大小有关,其破坏主要由灰缝的破坏引起。结合实验现象,采用分离式建模的精细化数值模拟方法,得到了不同荷载条件下裂缝的发展过程、墙体的边界条件对墙体的破坏模式的影响,确定了墙体不同破坏等级时的药量,进一步说明本文中数值模拟方法的合理性。 The field tests were conducted to investigate the failure mechanism of the masonry infill wall under blast loading. The blast loads and the displacements of the wall under shock waves were meas- ured. And the failure modes of the wall were obtained as well as the ejection and distribution of the wall fragments. The experimental results indicate that the failure modes of the wall are dependent mainly on the amplitudes of the blast loads and the collapse of the wall is leaded by the failure of the cement linings. Based on the above tests, the separated numerical models were established by using LS-DYNA to simulate the dynamic response and the damage of the masonry infill wall under blast loading. And the spreads of the cracks in the wall under different blast loads were obtained and the charge weights corresponding to the different failure modes were confirmed. The numerical results a- gree quite well with the test data. The boundary conditions can obviously affect the failure modes of the wall.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期59-66,共8页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51208509 51021001 51008306) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2012CB026204)~~
关键词 爆炸力学 破坏机理 野外实验 砌体填充墙 抗爆 碎片 mechanics of explosion failure mechanisml field test masonry infill wall anti-blast fragments
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