
中国儿童超重和低体重与家庭社会经济特征相关性研究 被引量:9

Study on the prevalence of childhood overweight and underweight,and the association with family socio-economic status( SES)
摘要 目的探讨中国18岁以下儿童超重和低体重的流行现状及其与家庭社会经济特征(SES)的相关关系。方法利用1991—2009年中国健康与营养调查数据,以0~18岁儿童为研究对象,采用WHO推荐标准衡量儿童超重与低体重,以家庭人均收入和父母接受高等教育比例代表SES,应用Logistic回归模型和分位数回归模型分析SES与儿童超重和低体重之间相关关系的时间变化趋势。结果1991—2009年,中国儿童超重率和低体重率分别增加了1.22倍和0.39倍。Logistic回归结果提示,对于儿童超重,20年间家庭收入已经从保护因素转为了危险因素,而父母教育的危险作用越趋突出;但家庭收入和父母教育与儿童低体重并无显著相关。分析儿童BMI与SES相关关系的分位数回归结果与Logistic回归结果一致。结论家庭收入和父母教育是儿童超重和低体重的影响因素,提示应该积极采取家庭干预措施,预防和控制儿童超重和低体重的发生发展。 Objective To analysis the prevalence of childhood overweight and underweight, and the association with family socio-economic status (SES) over years. Methods Children aged under 18 years in nine province of China were analyzed from the datasets of 1991 -2009 China Health and Nutrition Survey. SES were indicated bu per capita family income and parental tertiary education. The time trends of the associations between SES and childhood overweight and underweight were analyzed by Logistic regression, and the correlation between SES and childhood BMI were estimated by Quantile regression. Results The prevalence of overweight and underweight have increased by 1.22 times and 0.39 times, respectively. Logistic regression results show that family income per capita chaunted from a protective factor for childhood overweight into a risk factor over almost two decades, while parental tertiary education increased the odds more prominent. For childhood underweight, the SES indicators show no statistically significant effect. Estimations from Quantile regression also show the same pattern with Logistic results. Conclusion Both of childhood by family income and parental tertiary education measures of family intervention should be taken. overweight and underweight were affected A comprehensive prevention and control.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期219-223,共5页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.71303165) 美国纽约中华医学基金会(CMB)基金(No.13-167) 四川大学青年教师科研启动基金(No.2012SCU11097)
关键词 儿童 超重 低体重 家庭社会经济特征 childhood, overweight, underweight, socio-economic status
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