我国加入 WTO将程度不同地冲击国内第三产业的不同部门 ,同时在发展速度、服务质量、管理水平和对外开放程度等方面 ,推动第三产业的大发展。应抓住入世机遇推进我国第三产业的快速发展 ;采取妥善措施平稳实现劳动力向第三产业的转移 ;实施正确的产业政策 ,扶持资本密集和技术密集型服务业和新兴服务业 ,促进第三产业升级 ;加快人才激励机制和分配制度的改革 ,减缓人才外流的负面影响。
China's entry into WTO will shock the different branches of tertiary industry in varying degrees, while speeds up the development of tertiary industry on some aspects such as service level, administration and the open to the outside world. We should take advantage of the opportunity of WTO entry to urge the tertiary industry's development; take appropriate measures to realize labor's smooth shift to the tertiary industry; implement proper industrial policy, support capital-intensive and technology-intensive service business, new and expanding service business, to promote the upgrading of tertiary industry; quicken the reform of personnel incentive plan and distribution system, reduce the disadvantageous influence of the brain drain.
Contemporary Economic Research