布罗代尔是法国年鉴历史学派的第二代代表人物 ,但他却在其宏篇巨著《15至 18世纪的物质文明、经济和资本主义》中提出了一个别开生面的市场组织层次理论。这个理论启示我们 ,中国农业必须走国际化之路。由于世界贸易格局的变化和我国国情的特殊性的决定 ,一方面 ,我们不能把中国的粮食安全寄托于国际市场 ;另一方面 ,中国的食物安全又不能不融入国际大市场中 ,走以劳力换土地之路。中国农业国际化 ,将是时代潮流的必然趋势。
F.Braudel was the representative of the second generation of the French chronological history school. In his famous work 'Material Civilization, Economy and Capitalism from 15th to 18th Century', he put forward an entirely new sort of market organizational level theory. His theory enlightened us that Chinese agriculture had to be internationalized. Due to the change of world trade patterns and the specific conditions in China, on the one hand. China's food security can't completely depend on world market; on the other hand, we need world market to secure our food supply too. We can exchange land with labor. Chinese agriculture's internationalization will be an inexorable trend of the times.
Contemporary Economic Research