
电冲击加速退化试验的雷达电路板故障趋势预测方法研究 被引量:1

Radar Circuit Board Fault Prediction Method Based on Electric Impact Accelerate Degradation Test
摘要 以某型雷达18V20kHz信号板为研究对象,运用性能退化可靠性理论,对雷达电路板进行了可靠性分析;利用试验数据分析得到电冲击下雷达电路板性能退化规律;针对多性能退化参数故障顶测方法模型复杂求解困难的特点,将信号处理与性能退化理论相结合,提出了基于相像系数的多性能退化参数故障趋势预测方法;从信号特征提取角度出发,利用相像系数融合多个性能参数的退化特征解决了多性能参数特征提取的难点,然后利用Wiener过程描述相像系数的退化规律,进行建模,由于模型过于复杂,采用了MCMC方法进行参数估计;最后通过雷达电路板电冲击试验验证了该方法的有效性,同时也为多性能参数下雷达板级电路故障趋势预测提供了技术支撑。 Aiming at the insufficient of electric impact accelerate degradation test study, make a electric impact accelerate degradation test for 18 V20 KHz signal PCB of radar, and conclude the rule of performance degradation of radar circuit board in the environment of electric impact with the testing data. Aiming at the insufficient of multiple performance degradation parameters fault prediction method, combine sig- nal processing technology with performance degradation theory, present an new multiple performance degradation parameters fault prediction method based on resemblance coefficient. This article from the perspective of the signal feature extraction, integration of multiple perform- ance parameters degradation characteristics using resemblance coefficient, to solve the multi--feature extraction difficulties of multiple per- formance parameters. Then use the Wiener process to describe resemblance coefficient degradation for modeling, extrapolated life information of the product, and finally validity of this method was proved by the testing data, and provided technical support of the radar board--level cir- cuit fault prediction under multiple performance parameters.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2014年第3期653-655,663,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(61271153) 河北省重点基金(109635529)
关键词 电冲击试验 雷达电路板 故障预测 多性能参数 相像系数 退化建模 electric impact test radar circuit board fault prediction method multiple performance parameters resemblance coefficient degradation modeling
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