提出了一种利用软件的结构特性进行软件性能评估的方法;这种方法利用正式模型和非正式模型的优点,进行软件架构的描述,提供了一种软件架构设计级的软件性能评估方法;首先,将软件系统的静态结构描述为序列图,将结构性能描述为UML组件图;然后将所描述的模型自动转化为自动化接口(Interface Automata),从而能够提供性能评估的基础;最后,利用排队论(queuing theory)评估软件系统的性能;提出的方法与其它方法的主要区别在于提出的方法利用了信息描述方法,比如UML来描述软件系统的结构;这种方法具有正式的、简便的语言来提供验证和评估的基础;同时能够在软件开发的早期进行性能的评估,特别是在架构设计阶段,能够进一步降低软件开发的成本。
Assessment of performance in the early software development process is particularly important to risk management. Software architecture, as the first product, plays an important role in the development of the complex software systems. Using software architecture, quality attributes can be evaluated at the early stages of the software development. In this study, the authors present a framework for taking the advantages of architectural description to evaluate software performance. To do so, the authors describe static structure and architectural behaviour of a software system as the sequence diagram and the component diagram of the Unified Modelling Language (UML), respective- ly; then, the described model is automatically converted into the 'interface automata~ , which provides the formal foundation for the evalua- tion. Finally, the evaluation of architectural performance is performed using 'queuing theory'. The proposed framework can help the soft- ware architect to choose an appropriate architecture in terms of quality or remind of making necessary changes in the selected architecture. The main difference among the proposed method and other methods is that the proposed method benefits the informal description methods, such as UML, to describe the architecture of software systems; it also enjoys a formal and lightweight language to provide the infrastructure for verification and evaluation.
Computer Measurement &Control