
西方视野下的莫言 被引量:6

Mo Yan Through Western Eyes
摘要 莫言以其独特的个人风格与审美原则,力图为中国文学在世界文学中寻找落脚点。葛浩文的译介增强了其在西方世界的影响力。《红高粱家族》的叙述具有史诗般的时间跨度,但却没遵循了时间的顺序,以呈现真实世界的连续性与复杂性,与进而颠覆了历史即真实这一概念,削弱读者对叙述者的完全信任,让读者参与到将历史变为传说的过程中来。《天堂蒜薹之歌》既展现了莫言对意识形态和改革运动的深刻见解,同时对人性的贪婪与堕落进行了刻画,却不乏希望。《酒国》喜剧风格明显,大量运用了自我指涉与戏仿的反讽手法,是对鲁迅"救救孩子"寓言的复杂化。莫言通过对文学创作手法的不断创新,提升了中国与世界文学的审美水准。 With his particular style and esthetical principles, and blessed with a particularly talented translator, Howard Gol- dblatt, Mo Yan steps onto the larger stage of world literature as a world-class writer. RedSorghum has an epic sweep, but vi- olates chronologic narrative to mirror the continuity and complexity of the real world, which gradually undermines the no- tion of that history as truth and the trust readers once placed in their taletellers. Such narrative leads readers to put story to- gether for themselves. The Garlic Ballads demonstrates Mo Yan's insights into ideology and reformations and portray of hu- man avarice and corruption; The Republic of Wine shows that Mo Yan has moved beyond modernism into postmodemism, self-referentiality, and self-parody, and challenges Lu Xun's simplistic allegory. With his ever-changing narrative forms and techniques, Mo Yah elevates both Chinese and world literature.
出处 《长江学术》 2014年第1期20-26,共7页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 翻译 红高粱家族 天堂蒜(薹)之歌 酒国 寓言 叙述 Translation Red Sorghum The Garlic Ballads The Republic of Wine Allegory Narrative
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  • 1Ngai Ling Tun(危令敦),PoliticsofSexuality:The Fiction of Zhang Xianliang,Mo Yan,and Wang Anyi(《性的政治学:论张贤亮、莫言和王安忆的小说》),(Madison:University of Wisconsin,1994),175.
  • 2Michael S.Duke(杜迈克),Past,Present,and Future in Mo Yah’s Fiction of the 1980s(《莫言1980年代小说的过去、现在 和未来》),In:From May Fourth to June Fourth:Fiction and Film in Twentieth-Century China,ed by Ellen Widmer,David Der-wei Wang(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1993),52.
  • 3Michael S.Duke(杜迈克),“Past,Presen,and Future in Mo Yan’s Fiction of the 1980s”(“莫言1980年代小说的过去、现在和未来”),In:From May Fourth to June Fourth:Fiction and Film in Twentieth-Century China,ed by.Ellen Widmer(魏爱莲),David Der-wei Wang(王德威),(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1993),392.
  • 4Laifong Leung(梁丽芳),Morning Sun:Interviews with Chinese Writers of the Lost Generation(《从红卫兵到作家:觉醒一代的声音》)(Armonk N.Y.:Sharpe,1994),151.
  • 5Mo yan,The Garlic Ballads(《天堂蒜薹之歌》),tr.Howard Goldblatt (New York:Viking Penguin,1995).
  • 6Michael S.Duke(杜迈克),The Unchanging Image of the Japanese in Modern Chinese Literature(《当代中国文学中一成不变的日本人形象》),In:The Walls Within:Images of Westerners in Japan and Images of the Japanese Abroad(《墙内:日本的西方人形象和日本在国外的形象》),ed:Kinya Tsuruta(鹤田欣也),(Vancouver:University of British Columbia,1989),329、336.
  • 7AWilliam Faulkner Encyclopedia(《关于威廉·福克纳的百科全书》),eds:Robert W.Hamblin(罗伯特·W·汉伯林)、CharlesA.Peek(查尔斯·A·皮克),(地址:Greenwood Press,1999),302.
  • 8Mo Yan:The Republic of Wine(《酩酊国》),trans.Howard Goldblatt,(New York:Arcade,2000),13.
  • 9Lu Xun,Diary ofa Madman and other Stories(《狂人日记及其它短篇小说集》),tr.WilliamA.Lyell (Honolulu:University of Hawai'i Press,1990),41.
  • 10Mo yan:The Republic of Wine(《酩酊国》),tr.Howard Goldblatt,(New York:Arcade,2000),112.











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