In this dissertation, Cu-based bulk amorphous alloys Cu46Zr47-xAl7Tix(x=0,1.5), which exhibit good glass forming ability (GFA) and high thermal stability against crystallization at glass transition as well as in supercooled liquid region, have been chosen to be the model materials to study. By the X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry analysis,that researched the effect of glass forming ability in Cu-based bulk amorphous alloy adding Ti. The results showed that: it is found that the fragility parameter M decreases from 39 to 34, simultaneously the strength parameter D increases from 2.54 to 3.78 using the Vogel-Fulcher-Tamman (VFT) equation, Cun6ZraTA17 amorphous alloy exhibits stronger glass forming ability when 1.5% Ti element had been added.
Sichuan Nonferrous Metals