
分子炼油技术展望 被引量:3

Prospect of Molecular Refining Technology
摘要 现行汽柴油质量标准对苯、烯烃、氧、硫等含量做出了明确要求,基于集总动力学的传统研究技术已难以满足要求炼油行业应对日益严格的产品质量和环保法规的需求。分子炼油技术由于可以实现对产品分子组成的预测,具有巨大的经济和社会效益,应用前景广阔。 Conventional technologies based on lumping kinetics cannot meet higher product quality specifications and more stringent environmental regulations which targets molecular species. Molecular refining is a promising technology to satisfy the restriction of the contents of specifc components in fuels. More importantly it helps refiners to yield significant economic benefits.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2014年第6期111-111,89,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 分子炼油 原料表征 动力学模型 molecular refining feed characterization kinetic model
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