
对李季所著中国首部长篇《马克思传》的研究 被引量:7

A preliminary study on China's First Full-length Biography of Karl Marx
摘要 马克思生平思想的研究是马克思主义研究中不可或缺的重要资料,有助于创建具有中国特色的马克思学,提高中国马克思生平思想研究的话语权。李季著《马克思传》,作为中国首部长篇《马克思传》,研究价值颇高。作者李季是中国共产党早期党员,民国时期传播社会主义思想的重要人物,是马克思主义理论造诣颇深的理论家和史学家,但是由于种种原因,对于李季思想的研究很不足,还没有较系统的专门研究。结合李季生平,可以深入挖掘出中国首部《马克思传》的写作动机、出版过程及历史定位,提炼出李季著《马克思传》具有六大特点——编制清晰,注释比较规范;内容丰富,资料比较翔实;求真求实,力求公正客观;善用对比,见解比较独到;学养深厚,取材相当广泛;深入浅出,语言比较生动。 Study on the life and thought of Marx was an indispensable important information for research of Marxism. It helped us to create Marxologie with Chinese characteristics and improve Chinese discourse power in the life and thought of Marx. Li Ji's Masterpiece a Biography of Karl Marx was rich in content and a very worthwhile study as Chinese First Full-length Karl Marx. Li Ji was the Chinese Communist Party's early party member and an important character spreading the socialist thought during the Republic of China and a theorist and historian who was steeped in Marxist theory. But for some reasons, research about Li Ji thought was still insufficient and not systemic. Hence, consulting the life of Li Ji, dig deeper into its writing motivation, publishing process and historical location and abstract six features of a Biography of Karl Marx written by Li Ji: Clear scheduling, standard notes; Rich content, detailed material; Seeking truth from facts; Do well in contrast,more original ideas; Profound knowledge, extensive materials; Be easy to understand, vivid language.
作者 刘霞
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期57-62,123,共6页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 教育部社会科学基金项目(HB11DD007)
关键词 《马克思传》 李季 马克思 恩格斯 A Biography of Karl Mar Li Ji Marx Engels
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  • 1《马克思恩格斯文集》第5卷,人民出版社2009年版第211,207-208,579,56-57页.
  • 2Volker Kulow und Andre Jaroslawski, "Vorbemerkung, "in Volker Kulow und Andre Jaroslawski, hrsg. , David Rjasanow, Berlin:Dietz Verlag Berlin, 1993, S. 7.
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