目的探讨CT引导下Hookwire与亚甲蓝定位在肺部小结节胸腔镜术前的应用价值。方法选取2011年10月—2013年5月在本院胸外科治疗的69例患者,分别在CT引导下对其75处肺小结节行Hookwire、亚甲蓝单独定位以及Hookwire、亚甲蓝联合定位,并行全电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术(VATS),其中Hookwire21例,22个病灶(A组);亚甲蓝20例,21个病灶(B组);Hookwire联合亚甲蓝28例,32个病灶(C组)。定位后行楔形切除或肺叶切除术,对照3组的定位成功率。结果 A组定位成功18个病灶(81.8%),脱落及未刺破胸膜4个病灶;B组定位成功18个病灶(85.7%),3个病灶显示不清;C组定位成功32个病灶(100%)。A、B 2组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A、B组与C组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论肺部小结节胸腔镜术前CT引导下Hookwire、亚甲蓝单独定位的成功率稍低,Hookwire与亚甲蓝联合定位成功率高达100%,可提高VATS下切除孤立性肺结节的准确率。
Objective To explore the clinical value of preoperative CT - guided Hookwire and methylxanthine chloride in the treatment of small pulmonary nodules( 〈 3 cm) patients with video- assisted thoracic surgery(VATS). Methods 69 patients (75 small pulmonary nodules) un- derwent VATS wedge resection by using preoperative CT- guided positioning were collected and di- vided into 3 groups. Group A was treated with Hookwire localization only (21 patients, 22 lesions), group B was treated with methylxanthine chloride combined staining(20 patients, 21 lesions), and group C was treated with a combination of Hookwire localization, methylxanthine chloride and staining(28 patients, 32lesions). Results The accuracy rates of 3 groups were 81.8% (18/22), 85.7 % ( 18/21 ) and 100 % (32/32) respectively. There was no significant difference between group A and group B (P 〉 0.05), and there was significant difference between group A、 B and group C (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Application of preoperative CT - guided Hookwire localization and methylxanthine chloride combined staining in the treatment of the small pulmonary nodules patients with VATS can increase the accuracy rate of resection of solitary pulmonary nodules.
Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
pulmonary nodule
preoperative localization
video - assisted thoracic surgery