目的 调查拟施行正颌-正畸联合手术治疗的牙颌面畸形患者的心理人格状态,分析测试结果,为医护人员认识患者的心理特征提供依据.方法 选择2011年2月至2012年1月上海某医院骨性牙颌面畸形接受正颌-正畸联合治疗的患者79例,术前采用MMPI量表对其进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行分析.结果 男性患者F及Pa分量表得分显著低于中国常模;女性患者K及Mf分量表得分显著高于中国常模,L、F、Hs、D、Pd、Pa、Pt、Sc、Si分量表得分显著低于中国常模;男性在F、Pa、Sc、Ma分量表上的得分均显著高于女性;女性在Mf分量表上的得分显著高于男性.结论 牙颌面畸形患者整体上个性心理发育正常,但在性别上存在个体化的不同程度偏离及心理问题.
Objective To study the mental status of dento-maxillofacial deformities patients for orthognathic-orthodontic treatment,assess the testing results,and provide reference for doctors and nurses to evaluate mental features of patients.Methods 79 patients from a three-level and first-class hospital in Shanghai were collected from February 2011 to January 2012,who were to undergo orthognathic-orthodontic treatment.All the subjects filled in MMPI questionnaire before the operation.Results Scores of F and Pa subscales in male were significantly lower than the national norm.Scores of K and Mf subscales in female were significantly higher than the national norm.Scores of L,F,Hs,D,Pd,Pa,Pt,Sc,Si subscales were significantly lower than the national norm.Scores of F,Pa,Sc,Ma subscales in male were significantly higher than female.Scores of Mf subscales in female were significantly higher than male.Conclusions The whole personality of dento-maxillofacial deformities patients are normal.However,individualized personality deviation and psychological problems exist,including personality characteristics among different genders.
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing