

On Guidance Strategies of College English Listening and Reading Ability under the Metacognitive Theory
摘要 对于英语作为第二语言的中国学生来说,与母语是英语的外国人交流的机会十分有限。作为一名大学英语教师,如何通过学习策略来提高他们的英语学习能力和成绩就显得十分紧迫了。本文通过相关的调查研究指出了元认知策略的总体使用频率,并认为作为教师,要将元认知策略融入教学之中,使学生明确监控和评估自己学习的重要性,让学生形成使用元认知策略的意识和习惯,这对于任何学习都是十分重要的。 For Chinese students with English as their second for-eign language, they have very limited opportunities of communi-cating with foreigners with English as their mother tongue. It is critically urgent for college English teachers to improve students' English learning abilities and performance through learning strategies. Through relevant surveys and studies, this paper points out the overall use frequency of metacognitive strategies, and holds that teachers should infiltrate megacognitive strategies into teaching, make students understand the importance of controlling and evaluating their learning, and help them form the conscious-ness and habit of using metacognitive strategies, which are also of great importance for the learning of any other things.
作者 张陈元
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第7期139-139,145,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 大学英语听力 阅读能力 元认知理论 指导策略 college English listening reading ability metacogni-tive theory guidance strategies
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