

Phenomenography:A Research Method Exploring Concepts
摘要 人们通过不同方式来经历、概念化、理解、感知和理会周围世界的各种现象和各个方面,这些不同方式可以归结为有实质性差别的有限的一些类型,观念现象描述分析学就是探求这些有限的不同方式即观念的一种质的研究方法,对观念的研究有助于人们更好地理解周围世界。国外已采用该方法取得有大量的研究成果,但国内的相关研究较少,因此需要对现象描述分析学做较为完整全面的介绍。 People use different manners to experience, conceptu-alize, understand, apperceive and comprehend various phenome-na and aspects in the surrounding world, and the different man-ners come down to some limited types with material differences, while phenomenography is a research method exploring these limited different manners, namely, concepts, and the exploration on concepts is conducive to people's better understanding of the surrounding world. By this method, foreign countries have achieved a large number of research results, but there are less related researches at home, therefore, a relatively comprehensive and complete introduction of phenomenography is needed.
作者 梅婷
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第9期28-29,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 现象描述分析学 观念 研究方法 phenomenography concepts research method
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