Development and Static Mode Characterization of a New Low-Loss AC Switch Based on Super-gain BJT
Development and Static Mode Characterization of a New Low-Loss AC Switch Based on Super-gain BJT
This paper deals with an innovative low-loss AC switch, named as TBBS (transistor based bidirectional switch), based on the association of super-gain BJTs developed by the GREMAN laboratory. The main characterization results of the super-gain BJT are reminded to identify the key parameters that are essential to build the TBBS. A complete characterization database in static mode of this new AC switch is discussed. In particular, its forward and reverse-biased features have been measured to see the evolution of the DC current gain as a function of the current density. The TBBS makes sense when using the super-gain BJT (bipolar junction transistor) in reverse mode. It means that the reverse DC current gain has to be sufficient (at least higher than l compared with the conventional BJT one). This new AC switch is bidirectional in current and voltage, totally controllable (turn-on and turn-off) and the most attractive solution in terms of on-state power losses. Further, its manufacturing process is as easier as existing device such as triac.
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