
基于相对适应度遗传算法的高层结构粘滞阻尼器优化布置 被引量:21

Optimum installation of viscous dampers in tall buildings based on relative fitness genetic algorithm
摘要 提出基于相对适应度遗传算法的高层结构粘滞阻尼器优化布置方法,综合考虑多种地震波作用与多个不同优化目标。较标准遗传算法,相对适应度遗传算法基于染色体目标函数值相对大小构造适应度函数能充分体现种群中染色体适应度差异,促进种群的有效进化,获得优化问题的全局最优解。在讨论目标函数加权系数对优化结果影响基础上,对目标函数进行归一化处理,并考虑多种地震波作用。通过用该方法对20层框架结构的粘滞阻尼器布置方案进行优化,数值计算结果证明该方法的有效性及可用性。 An optimum installation method for viscous dampers in tall buildings was proposed based on a relative fitness genetic algorithm,considering different seismic waves and different optimal objectives.Comparing with standard genetic algorithm (SGA),in the relative fitness genetic algorithm,a fitness function was constructed based on the relative objective function value,which can fully embody the fitness difference in the population,promote effective evolution and obtain the global optimal solution.Various coefficient combinations of the objective function were discussed.The objective function was normalized and different seismic waves were considered.The method was used to optimize the installation of dampers in a 20 layers frame structure.The results demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the method proposed.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期195-200,共6页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(11102045) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2013M542168) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20134410120005) 广州市属高校科研计划项目(2012A119)
关键词 相对适应度 遗传算法 目标函数 粘滞阻尼器 高层建筑 relative fitness genetic algorithm objective function viscous damper tall building
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