
破片和冲击波对相控阵雷达天线罩的复合毁伤研究 被引量:10

Simulation of Composite Damage for Phased Array Radome by Fragments and Shock Wave
摘要 研究相控阵雷达天线罩在破片与冲击波联合作用下的复合毁伤效应规律。利用非线性显式动力学程序AUTODYN,建立了密度为100个/m2的钨破片侵彻相控阵雷达天线罩等效靶板的有限元模型,并在模型中采用Analytical blast方法模拟爆炸冲击波对目标结构的球面加载方式。考察了破片先于冲击波到达目标结构对天线罩等效靶板的复合毁伤,分别对靶板的破片侵彻和预先打孔的两种不同毁伤方式进行仿真计算,并与试验结果进行了比较。结果表明:数值模拟中单个破片侵彻靶板的穿孔口径与比试验值大2 mm;数值模拟中复合毁伤时破片侵彻比预制孔靶板的有效应变大0.175,天线罩整体毁伤程度更为显著,接近试验结果。该模型为破片和冲击波联合作用下对目标结构的复合毁伤仿真计算研究提供了一种新方法。 The composite damage effect of phased array radome by fragments and shock wave was studied. The nonlinear dynamic software AUTODYN was used to establish a finite element model with an equivalent target by 100/ m2 density tungsten fragment penetrating,and the analytical blast model was used to load spherical stress on the tar- get structure. The composite damage by fragment before the shock wave reaching the target structure was studied; two different damage ways for prepunched hole and fragment penetrating target were simulated and compared with the ex- periment results. The results show that the single fragment penetrating target diameter was 2 mm larger than experi- mental results;the fragment penetrating larger effective strain was 0. 175 larger than that of prepunched target, and the whole structure damage was more obvious. This model provided a new simulation method for composite damage by fragment and shock wave.
出处 《爆破》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期114-117,149,共5页 Blasting
关键词 雷达毁伤 等效靶板 冲击波 破片 复合毁伤 radar damage equivalent target shock wave fragment composite damage
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