

Macro-environmental Analysis on Australia Inbound Tourism
摘要 澳大利亚不仅是南半球经济最发达的国家,还凭借其独特的自然风光和出色的人文景观吸引了全球游客的光临。本文针对澳大利亚入境游的文献资料进行了研究调查与分析,重点放在两大宏观因素上,社会文化因素(恐怖主义和兴趣旅游)和经济因素(汇率和中国市场)。通过调研本文指出,澳大利亚入境游人数在一个相对安全的国际环境下呈现出稳定增长的趋势,尤其在开发兴趣旅游方面表现出色,并且中国市场对澳大利亚入境游起到了不可小视的推动作用。全球经济回暖后,澳币汇率近五年的变化对入境游造成了附加影响,当澳币增值时澳大利亚入境游发展速度放缓,反之加快。 Australia is viewed internationally as a desirable tourist destination. This paper investigates the literature search and analysis for Australian inbound tourism. Attention has been given to two macro-environmental factors, socio-culture (terrorism and special interest tourism), economic (currency rate and Chinese market). By logically analyzing the literatures related to those aspects, the work shows that the Australia inbound tourism is growing under a relatively safe background, and is doing a good job to serve tourists" special interests. Also, the Chinese market is driving Australia inbound tourism. After the recovery of the global economy, Australian dollar in recent years had additional impact on inbound tourism of Australia. Depreciation of Australian dollar can improve the price competitiveness of inbound tourism. Appreciation of Australian dollar can weaken the price competitiveness of inbound tourism.
作者 曹恬
出处 《价值工程》 2014年第10期155-157,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 入境游 澳大利亚 社会文化 经济 inbound tourism Autralia social-culture economy
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