本地区玉米连作条件下 ,主要杂草有稗子、马唐、藜、苋、鸭跖草、刺儿菜等 ,问题杂草为禾本科杂草 .新型除草剂玉宝在本地区适宜使用时期为玉米 3~ 4叶期 ,适宜使用剂量为 90 0~1 30 0 gai/hm2 ,总防效可达 90 % .玉宝对禾本科稗草、藜、苋科、鸭跖草、风花菜具有很好的防效 ,对禾本科马唐、菊花科刺儿菜也具有一定防效 .在推荐剂量条件下 ,比手工除草两次增产9.6% .
On the condition of continuous corpping of maize, the main weeds in the region include echinochloa crusgall (L.) beauv,digitaria sanguinalis(L.) Scop,chenopodium album L.,amaranthaceae,commelina communis L.,and cephalanoplos segetum (Bge.) Kitam etc, and the main harm are begotten by graminaceous weeds. The optimum using stage of Yubao herbicide are 3 and 4 leaf stage of maize in the region, and the optimum dosage is 900~1300 g ai/hm 2, and the efficiency of weed control is 90%. The efficiencies of the herbicide used on eliminating echinochloa crusgalli,chenopodium album L.,amaranthaceae,commelina communis L.,and rorippa palustris (Leyss.) Bess., are very good, and the efficiencies of it used on eliminating eigitaria sanguinalis(L.) Scop and cephalanoplos segetum (Bge.) Kitam are certain. The yield on the condition of using optimum dosage exceed that on the condition of manual weeding by 9.6% .
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University
中美合资项目 !(DVVP - 99- 0 3)