经调查 ,在西双版纳海拔 50 0~ 130 0m均能正常生长、开花、结果 ,果熟期随海拔增高而推迟 ,在海拔 110 0~12 0 0m的比海拔 560m的果熟期推迟 30d左右 ,果实品质则有所提高 ;在高海拔地区种植的 7个品种在 - 3 0℃的重霜条件下 ,哈斯表现最抗寒 ,其次为热研 2号、4号 ,热研 30号、RL、JY受害最重。
The investigation on adaptability of avocado shows that the growth,flowering and fruiting are normal at altitude of 500 to 1300m in Xishuangbanna The later ripening stage is ,the higher altitude is The ripening stage at altitude of 1100 to 1200m is late about 30d ,and the quality is better compared with at altitude of 560m Under -3 0℃ and heavy frost, the resist to chilling of cv hassa was best ,next were Reyan-2 and Reyan-4 at higher altitude The cv Reyan-30,RL and JY were suffer injury seriously
Journal of Yunnan Tropical Crops Science & Technology