OBJECTIVE: To explore the hospital preparations positioning and development direction of our hospital. METHODS: According to the fundamental method of drug utilization, the amount, consumption sum and DDDs of hospital preparations in our hos- pital from 2010 to 2012 were statistically analyzed to explore the characteristic and orientation. RESULTS: The preparation and utiliza- tion of our hospital preparations remained stable overall during 2010 to 2012. The consumption sum of TCM preparations accounted for more than 70 % of the total and had shown central tendency; the consumption sum and DDDs of the characteristic TCM preparations, such as Huzhang jiedu granules, Ruxian tongluo sanjie granules, had shown good growth trend. The western medicine preparation de- creased slightly; the amount of western medicine preparations which took up the front place in the list of amount had declined, such as Calamine and menthol lotion, Compound menthol nasal drops. The amount of Sodium bromide and glycyrrhiza oral solution and Mag- nesium sulfate oral solution had a tendency to increase. End-of-life preparations were Atropine sulfate eye drops, Compound chloram- phenicol lotion and other 2 drugs, and they were resulted from the supply question of raw materials and low consumption. CONCLU- SIONS: With continue to maintain the stability of existing formulations production, actively developing TCM preparations with charac- teristics, the medication needs could be met. It' s also the survival and development direction of hospital preparations in the future.
China Pharmacy
Hospital preparation
Consumption amount
Consumption sum