SQ-1.5型多功能深水式充气增氧机可充分利用上层水体中的过饱和溶解氧,增氧能力和动力效益分别达到3.03 kg(O2)/h 和2.02 kg (O2)/kW.h,性能优于其它机型。晴天中午该机自动正转向下推水进行充气增氧,同时将水体上层过饱和溶氧水转移到下层;阴天或清晨手动开机反转进行喷水增氧。一机多用,节能高效。
SQ 1.5 multifunctional deep water inflatable aerator can fully use the oversaturated dissolved oxygen in the pelagic water for aerating, its aerating efficiency and power efficiency are 3.03 kg(O 2)/h and 2.02 kg (O 2)/kW.h respectively . In the noon of fine day, it can automatically revolve posificity to push water for aerating, and in morning and cloudy day, it can be started by hand and revolve reversely to spray water for aerating.
Fisheries Science & Technology Information