结合独山子热电厂粉煤灰质量标准的实际 ,进行配制粉煤灰混凝土的试验 ,根据试验结果分析水胶比和粉煤灰掺量对该混凝土强度的影响 ,从而获得合理、经济的混凝土配合比 。
Combining the actuality of the achieved quality standar of fly ash,the trial of preparing fly ash,the trial of preparing fly ash concrete has been conduted.The influence of the water binder ratio and the quality of fly ash on the concrete has been analyzed by the testing results,the proper,economic concrete mix proportion has been inquired as well,which has provided very useful method for the fly ash resource of.Heat & Power plant in Dushanzi.
Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University