
十堰市初产妇与经产妇对营养知识的认知情况及获知途径 被引量:7

Awareness and learning approaches to nutrition knowledge of primiparae and multiparae
摘要 目的了解十堰市妊娠妇女对营养知识的知晓情况、获知途径及营养态度,为今后开展孕妇营养宣教提供依据。方法随机对在该市两家三级甲等医院孕检的孕妇进行问卷调查,内容包括营养相关的知识点、获知途径及对营养的态度,按孕妇分娩经历分为初产妇组和经产妇组,并对2组问卷结果进行统计学分析。结果该市孕妇营养知识知晓率不高且不全面,孕中晚期每天需摄入的钙量、钙片的正确服用方法和我国建议孕妇每天食盐的摄入量3项知识点掌握差。仅孕妇是否吃得越多越好一项初产妇掌握情况优于经产妇,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);其余知识点经产妇回答正确的比例均高于初产妇,但仅少部分知识点掌握情况差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕妇营养知识获取的主要途径是科普书籍(65.45%)、医务人员(40.58%)、医院宣传栏和网络/电视媒体(32.46%)。经产妇选择医务人员为获知途径的比例明显高于初产妇(P<0.05)。93.19%的孕妇愿意接受或认为有必要进行营养知识宣教。结论该市孕妇营养知识认知情况一般,但具有积极的营养态度,医务人员应加强对孕妇营养知识的宣教,尤其是对初产妇的健康教育,这对促进孕妇改变不良健康行为和减少母子妊娠相关疾病的发生具有重要意义。 [ Objective ] To understand the awareness and learning approaches to nutrition knowledge and attitude towards nutrition in pregnant women of Shiyan City,and provide basis for future nutrition education in pregnant women. [ Methods] A randomized ques?tionnaire survey was carried out in pregnant women who received pregnancy tests in the two 3 A hospitals of this city about nutrition- related knowledge points,learning approach and attitude towards nutrition. All the pregnant women were divided into primipara group and multipara group, and statistical analysis was performed on the questionnaire results. [ Results] The awareness rate of nu?trition knowledge in pregnant women of this city was not high and well,the grasp to 3 knowledge points was poor which were " daily calcium intake in middle and advanced pregnancy periods","the correct usage of calcium tablet" and "recommended daily salt in?take for pregnant women in China" ; only at the knowledge point that " whether it was the more the better for a pregnant woman * s daily intake, the group of primiparae grasped better than multiparae with significant difference (P 〈0. 05),while for the rest of knowledge points, the group of multiparae gave more correct answers than primiparae with difference ( P 〈 0. 05 ) only in a few knowledge points. Nutrition knowledge was obtained and learned mainly through popular science books (65.45% ),medical profes?sionals (40.58% ) , hospital bulletin boards and video media (32.46% ). The number of multiparae who obtained nutrition knowl?edge from "medical professionals" was obviously higher than the number of primiparae ( P 〈 0. 05 ). 93. 19% of pregnant women was willing or thought it was necessary to have trained on nutrition knowledge. [ Conclusion ] The awareness rate of nutrition knowl?edge in pregnant women of this city is on a general level, but the attitude is positive. Medical professionals shall strengthen educa?tion to pregnant women, especially to primiparae, for nutrition knowledge because it will play a significant role in correcting un?healthy behavior and reducing pregnancy-related diseases in mothers and children.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2014年第6期802-804,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 孕妇 营养 健康教育 调查研究 Pregnant women Nutrition Health education Investigation
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