

Wandering life:the fading of social division of labor and the image of China youth walking everywhere
摘要 近代中国社会分工经历了百年颠仆但最终回到了分工不断扩展的道路上。中国青年走四方遭遇了这一曲折历程,最终收获了一个行囊人生的形象,涉及民国时期各个阶层的青年离开乡村社区进入都市和工商业领域的开放立体形象、20世纪中后期以来农村青年戴着身份与制度镣铐走出农业一土地社区进入各种务工场所的打工群体广谱形象。这些形象主要是由唐德刚与路遥等学者和作家创造的。行囊人生形象是中国青年在社会分工处于初始状态时候的形象。随着分工扩展以及社会服务与保护系统的完善,这一形象将会发展为自由劳动者的开放形象。 In modem China the social division of labor had experienced the fading for hundreds of years; however it returned to a continuous expansion road in the end. Although the wandering life of China youth underwent a tortuous process, but they got the image of wandering around, including an open and stereo image formed by young people from the different social levels, who left the rural area and stepped into urban area or did business during the period of the Republic of China; and an image of migrant workers which is built by farmers with the burdens of both identity and system, and they have gone out of farm-land community and taken part in all kinds of work places since the mid and late twentieth century. These images are described by the scholars and the writers such as Tang Degang and Lu Yao. In a word, the image of wandering life was a refection which China youth were still involved in the initial state of the social division of labor. While with the extension of division of labor and the progressive system of social service and protection, this image will become the representative of the openness of China's free workers.
作者 舒建军
出处 《北京青年政治学院学报》 2014年第1期33-42,共10页 Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College
关键词 行囊人生 社会分工 中国青年 农业-土地社区 wandering life social division of labor China youth farm-land community
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