
基于改进遗传算法的增升装置气动优化研究 被引量:4

Research on Aerodynamic Optimization of Aircraft High Lift Devices Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
摘要 针对飞机增升装置缝道参数的气动优化问题,设计并搭建了具有嵌套双循环流程的优化平台。设计过程中以敏度分析改进遗传算法,以最大升阻比为优化目标,对二维翼型30P30N进行了缝道参数优化。优化结果表明,翼型的升阻比性能获得了显著提升。该优化平台及优化方法经拓展可用于多种翼型及机翼增升装置的气动优化。 This article constructed an aerodynamic optimization platform oriented to the design of aircraft high lift devices, and use this platform to design the gap parameters of 30P30N three-element airfoil with a nested double cycle worklfow. During the optimization process, the platform use adaptive genetic algorithms improved by sensitivity analysis as its main optimization method. The results indicated that the lift-drag ratio of this airfoil has been signiifcantly improved, and this optimization is suitable for kinds of multi-element airfoils’ high lift devices.
出处 《航空科学技术》 2014年第2期17-22,共6页 Aeronautical Science & Technology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2012AA01A304)~~
关键词 气动优化 遗传算法 增升装置 敏度分析 缝道参数 aerodynamic optimization genetic algorithm high lift devices sensitivity analysis gap parameters
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