The prolonged financial repression has resulted in the rise of shadow banking in China.Shadow banking has served as a driving force for China' s financial reform and also brought potential systematic risks to the stability of the financial system.As an important part of China' s shadow banking,the corridor business under the banking-securities cooperation has been motivated by regulatory arbitrage and is also the result of market competition facing both banks and securities firms.Its fixed-target assets management plan allows the banks to lend to the real sectors with no limit of credit quotas;however,it also carries credit and liquidity risks.This article provides a systemic analysis of the rationale of the development,features and major operational patterns of the banking-securities cooperation and analyzes its potential risks and policy implications for regulators.It argues that the current banking-securities corridor business is a transitional form of real securitization in the future.Therefore,regulators should focus on risk management in the short-term and implement institutional financial reform in the long term to properly regulate the business.
International Economic Review