
266 例辅助生殖技术出生 1-3 岁儿童体格和精神运动发育状况分析 被引量:13

Physical and Psychomotor Development of 266 Children at 1-3 Years Conceived by ART
摘要 目的:初步评价辅助生殖技术出生儿童的体格和精神运动发育情况。方法:收集通过辅助生殖技术出生的1.3岁儿童266例(单胎160例,双胎106例),随机抽取同期自然妊娠出生的单胎1—3岁儿童129例,双胎84例作为对照,对比其出生、体格和精神运动发育情况。结果:辅助生殖技术出生单胎与自然出生单胎比较,双胎与自然出生双胎比较,除出生时父母年龄外,出生情况、体质量指数(BMI)、智力发育指数(MDI)、运动发育指数(PDI)的差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05);多因素分析结果显示,母亲文化程度对MDI有影响(P=0.028),父亲文化程度(P=0.000)和出生时是否上呼吸机(P=0.001)对PDI的影响差异有统计学意义,受孕方式对MDI和PDI的影响差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:辅助生殖技术出生儿童与自然出生儿童的体格和精神运动发育状况无明显差别。 Objective: To investigate the physical and mental development of children of assisted reproductive techniques(ART) at 1-3 years, in the limited samples and the limited age range. Methods:A total of 266 ART children,including 106 twins, at 1-3 years were follow-up visited from February 2008 to February 2011. The control group comprised 129 children, including 84 twins, who were naturally bred. The neonatal outcomes ,physical and mental development were evaluated. Results:Parent age in the ART children group was elder than that in control group. There were no significant differences in BMI, MDI and PDI between two groups of ART children and control, and between two twins' groups. A multivariate regression analysis indicated that the conception mode did not affect MDI and PDI. Conclusions :There are no significantly differences in the physical and psychomotor development between ART children and normal conception children in this study.
出处 《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期113-116,共4页 Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning
关键词 生殖技术 辅助 儿童发育 出生体重 精神发育迟滞 Reproductive techniques, assisted Child development Birth weight Mental retardation
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