
汉日情态共现的差异与共性 被引量:6

Similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese modal co-occurrence patterns
摘要 本文探讨汉语和日语情态共现的差异与共性。从共现类型、共现项数、句子结构、共现规则、共现语义的角度对汉日情态共现进行对比研究后发现,汉语和日语的情态标志连续共现呈现出截然相反的排列顺序。从类型学的角度对汉日情态共现进行观察可以得知,汉日情态标志共现顺序相反现象背后隐藏着某些人类语言共同的规律:汉日的情态连续共现都遵循情态的语法化链顺序,主观性弱的情态类型离V(VP)近,主观性强的情态类型距离V(VP)远。在共现语义方面,汉日具有的相似情形是,共现的情态动词之间相互作用完成整体语义的构建,一个句子一般凸显一种情态语义。 The paper discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese modal cooccurrence patterns.Based on a Japanese-Chinese contrastive research on the type,number of items,sentence structure and semantics of modal co-occurrence,we find that the co-occurrence patterns of Japanese and Chinese modals exhibit the reverse order.However,some common rules of human language can be found behind the different surfaces from the typological perspective:both Chinese and Japanese consecutive modal co-occurrence follow the grammaticalization chain of modality:with weak subjective modality closer to the verb(VP),whereas relatively strong subjective modality farther away from the verb(VP).In terms of semantics of the co-occurrence,Chinese and Japanese have something in common:the overall meaning is constructed by the interaction between the co-occurring modal markers,with one modal meaning more prominent.
作者 王晓华
机构地区 上海外国语大学
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期202-213,319-320,共12页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 上海外国语大学2013年度校级一般科研项目"基于语言类型学的现代日汉情态对比研究"(2013114021) 上海外国语大学青年教师科研创新团队项目"基于日语学习者语料库的二语习得研究"(QJTD11MWW01 主持人毛文伟) 2011年度江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目"认知视角下的日语名词性助动词的意义结构及习得研究"(2011SJD740022 主持人陈林俊)的阶段性成果之一
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