
基于降维法的译者风格研究 被引量:7

A study of the translator's style based on the dimension-reduction methods
摘要 本文通过数学模型探求译者风格的形成,建立了翻译风格研究的三球模型,即读者习惯的风格球、原著作者的写作风格球和译者的写作风格球,以此分析影响翻译风格的因素。依据三个最明显的影响因素,即译者作为作家本身具有的风格、原著作者的写作风格和译著时代读者的需求,对译文常用词、译者作为作家作品的常用词、原著作者作品的常用词、译著时代畅销书常用词进行统计,将主观分组与主成分分析结合起来降维。降成三维后,译文一个点加上三个球,以每一维上的平均值构成每个球的球心,寻找一个最小半径,使每类的各个点都落在每个球内。从译文的点在何处可以观测译者的风格。上述研究模式的建立有利于科学直观地观察、描写译者风格并解释其形成过程。 The study initiates a mathematical-model-based analysis of the translator's style.A Threesphere Model,including the Target Readers'Familiarized Style,the Original Author's Writing Style,and the Translator's Writing Style,is established to probe into the specific factors affecting the translation style.In the light of it,the paper proposes a statistical analysis of the most frequently occurring words in the translated text,the translator's texts of writing,the original author's texts of writing and the popular texts of the translator's times because the latter three types of texts are among the most distinctive factors.Then the quantitative data is analyzed using the Dimension-Reduction Methods of subjective categorization and Principal Component Analysis.For example,reduced to the three dimensions,the data is schematized into one point symbolizing the translated text and three spheres with the average value of each dimension as their respective centers.The radius should be wide enough to include all the points in each sphere and accordingly the point represent^ing the translated text can be naturally derived,whose position clearly demonstrates the nature of the translation style.It is hoped that this research model facilitates the scientific description of the translator's style.
作者 董琇
机构地区 同济大学
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期282-293,321,共12页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 2010年度国家社科基金项目"译者主体意识与翻译风格关系的实证研究"(10CYY004) 2013年度上海市教育委员会科研创新项目"汉语国际传播中的有效翻译策略研究"(13ZS025) 同济大学2012年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"译者风格成因的多维度研究"(20123160)的成果之一
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