2014年1月2日,借厦门国际马拉松赛之机,大金龙正式对外发布了其开年力作——“小龙人”校车.据悉,“小龙人”校车是由大金龙项尖汽车研发技术团队,历经2年倾力打造,该车外形尺寸为5 945×2 040×2 530 mm,标配19座儿童座椅,灵活性和通过性兼顾,尤其适用于窄路情况下校车的运行,是一款高性价比、仅B照就能开的校车.
Xiamen Golden Dragon officially launched its newly developed schoolbus model 'Little Golden Dragon' on Jan. 2, 2014.This new model of school-bus is less than 6 meter in length and has 19 seats specially designed for primary students, and has advantages of flexibility and easy-moving, particularly on the narrow road condition.And it is also quite costeffective school-bus suitable for license of B type.
Commercial Vehicle