目的:评价血清中甲状腺特异性抗体的存在对乳腺癌患病风险的影响,为评估乳腺癌的预后及制定治疗方案提供理论依据。方法:计算机检索Medline(1950~2012)、EMBASE(1949-2012)、Pubmed(1946-2012)、Current Contents Connect(1998-2012)和Google Scholar(1992-2012)等英文数据库。收集关于甲状腺特异性抗体与乳腺癌(BreastCancer,Bc)相关性分析的横断面研究或队列研究。按Cochrane系统评价方法,评价所纳入研究的文献质量,有效数据采用RevMan5.2软件进行系统评价。结果:最终纳入6项研究,共计6945例患者。系统评价结果显示:乳腺癌的风险会随血清中甲状腺特异性抗体(包括甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体anti-TP0和甲状腺球蛋白抗体anti—TG)的存在而增加(anti—TP00R2.51.95%CI:1.94—3.25;anti—TG2.67,95%CI:1.65—4.33)。结论:乳腺癌的风险会随血清中甲状腺特异性抗体的存在而增加,甲状腺特异性抗体可能为乳腺癌预后的评估以及治疗原则的制定提供理论基础。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of the thyroid autoantibodies in serum on breast cancer risks. Methods: Medline (1950-2012), EMBASE (1949-2012), Pubmed (1946-2012), Current Contents Connect (1998-2012) and Google Scholar (1992-2012) and other English database were searched. The data on correlation analysis about both thyroid autoantibodies and breast cancer (Breast Cancer, BC) in cross-sectional or cohort studies were collected. According to the Cochrane Handbook for systematic method, the quality of the included studies were evaluated by using Review Manager 5.2 software for Meta-analysis. Results: Ultimately six studies were included, a total of 6945 cases of patients. Meta-analysis results showed that the risk of breast cancer increased with the presence of serum thyroid autoantibodies including thyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO)and thyroglobulin antibodies (anti-TG) (anti- TPO OR 2.51, 95% CI: 1.94-3.25; anti-TG 2.67, 95% CI: 1.65-4.33). Conclusions: The risk of breast cancer would increase with the presence of thyroid autoantibodies in serum which may be used for assessing breast cancer prognosis, and providing a theoretical basis for the formulation of treatment principles.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine