Optical devices based on vertical microcavities offer an easy access either in free space or in optical fibres, which presents a serious advantage issues are considered. to optical signals, propagated when cost-related packaging In addition, vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (also called semiconductor disk lasers) combine advantageous characteristics of solid state lasers and of semiconductor lasers, and therefore constitute an interesting approach for developing new compact laser sources After a short state-of the-art review on vertical-cavity-based short pulse sources, I shall present some recent results obtained in our group for the generation of sub-ps optical pulses at 1.55 μm wavelength. This source relies on the association of an InP-based vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL) and a GaAs-based semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM)
Optical devices based on vertical microcavities offer an easy access either in free space or in optical fibres, which presents a serious advantage issues are considered. to optical signals, propagated when cost-related packaging In addition, vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (also called semiconductor disk lasers) combine advantageous characteristics of solid state lasers and of semiconductor lasers, and therefore constitute an interesting approach for developing new compact laser sources After a short state-of the-art review on vertical-cavity-based short pulse sources, I shall present some recent results obtained in our group for the generation of sub-ps optical pulses at 1.55 μm wavelength. This source relies on the association of an InP-based vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL) and a GaAs-based semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM)