根据陆良县的经济发展和污染预测 ,到 2 0 15年 ,工业废水达标率为 10 0 % ,城市生活污染处理率达 70 % ,南盘江两河段水质分别达到Ⅲ类和Ⅵ类水质。为此计算出相应的水环境容量、最大允许排放量。
According to the prediction for the economic development and water pollution in Luliang,by the end of 2015,100% of the industrial wastewater will be discharged up to the standard and 70% of the sanitary sewage in city will be treated. The water quality of the Nanpan River will be categorized to level III and VI. The water environmental load,the maximum discharge,the minimum discharge to be decreased and the distribution of overall control objectives should be calculated.
Yunnan Environmental Science