

Gastrodia Elata Uncaria Drink Combined Western Medicine Therapy Stroke Aphasia Random Parallel Control Study
摘要 [目的]观察天麻钩藤饮联合西医治疗脑卒中失语症疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将60例住院患者按抛硬币法随机分为两组。对照组30例常规西医治疗,抗血小板聚集、营养脑细胞,康复功能锻炼指导。治疗组30例天麻钩藤饮(天麻10g,钩藤12g,石决明15g,杜仲10g,夜交藤15g,牛膝12g,栀子6g,益母草、茯神各10g,黄芩8g,桑寄生15g);1剂/d,水煎120mL,早晚口服。肝肾亏虚加女贞子,旱莲草各10g,龟板20g;恶心呕吐加法半夏、竹茹各10g,砂仁6g;咽干口燥加沙参15g,石斛、麦冬各10g;血虚加鸡血藤、当归各15g;烦躁加代赭石15g,珍珠母30g;睡眠差加酸枣仁、合欢皮各15g;目赤肿痛加羚羊角10g,菊花30g;痰浊壅盛加胆南星、半夏各10g,瓜蒌仁15g;头痛剧烈、言语困难、口角歪斜、伸舌困难加全蝎3g,僵蚕、地龙、蝉蜕各10g。西医治疗同对照组。连续治疗28d为1疗程。观测临床症状、语言相关症状、不良反应。连续治疗6疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组痊愈13例,显效8例,有效7例,无效2例,总有效率93.33%。对照组痊愈5例,显效6例,有效11例,无效8例,总有效率73.33%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。语言相关症状两组均有改善(P<0.05),治疗组改善优于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]天麻钩藤饮联合西医治疗脑卒中失语症效果显著,值得推广。 [ Objective ] To observe the rhizoma gastrodiae uncaria drink combined western medicine curative effect on stroke aphasia. [ Methods ] Using random parallel control method, 60 cases of hospitalized patients were randomly divided into two groups according to flip a coin method. Control group 30 cases of conventional western medicine treatment, platelet aggregation, nutrition, brain ceils, such as drug rehabilitation exercise guidance function. Treatment group 30 cases of gastrodia elata uncaria drink (Tianma 10g, Gouteng 12g, Shijueming 15g, Duzhong 10g, Yejiaoteng 15g, Niuxi 12g, Zhizi 6g, Yimucao, Fushen each 10g, Huangqin 8g, Sangjisheng 15g ) .1/d, boiling water 120 ml, oral sooner or later, liver and kidney deficiency and Nvzhenzi, Hanliancao every 10g, Guiban 20g; nausea and vomiting addition Fabanxia, Zhuru each 10g, Sharen 6g; dry throat mouth dryness and Shashenl5g, Shihu, Maidongl0g, blood deficiency and Jixueteng, Danggui each 15g; irritability and Daizheshi 30g, Zhenzhumu30g; poor sleep with zizyphus Suanzaoren, Hehuanpi each 15g, red eyes and sore and Lingyangjiao 10g, Juhua 30g, phlegm turbidity indicates is filled with Dannanxing, Banxia each 10g, Gualourenl5g; acute headache, speech difficulties, difficulty comes, tongue and Quanxie 3g, Jiangcan, Dilong, Chantui every 10g.Western medicine treatment with the control group. Continuous treatment of 28 d of 1 course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, language related symptoms, adverse reactions. Continuous treatment 6 treatments ( 168 d ) . [ Results ] The treatment group cure 13 cases, 8 cases were markedly effective, effective 7 cases, ineffective in 2 cases, total effective rate was 93.33%. Control group healed in 5 cases, 6 cases had marked effect, effectively in 11 cases, 8 no effect, the total effective rate was 73.33%. The treatment group curative effect is better than that of control group ( P〈0.05 ). Language related symptoms in the two groups were improved ( P〈0.05 ), the treatment group is better than that of control group ( P〈0.05 ) . Gastrodia elata uncaria drink combined western medicine therapy. [ Conclusion ] Stroke aphasia effect is remarkable, is worth promoting.
作者 程耀南 吴洁
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第1期91-93,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 脑卒中失语症 天麻钩藤饮 语言相关症状 随机平行对照研究 Cerebral apoplexy aphasia Gastrodia elata uncaria drink Language related symptoms Random parallel control study
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