
汕头地区食管癌患者癌因性疲乏现状调查与分析 被引量:8

Investigation and analysis on current situation of oesophagus patients in Shantou Area
摘要 目的调查广东省汕头地区食管癌患者的一般资料和癌因性疲乏程度,了解癌因性疲乏的相关诱因,为食管癌患者癌因性疲乏的临床干预提供依据。方法 2012年4月至2013年3月,在汕头大学医学院附属肿瘤医院和汕头市中心医院随机抽取42例食管癌病人,采用问卷调查的方法,问卷内容包括一般资料调查表和piper疲乏量表(Piper fatigue scale,PFS)。结果 (1)汕头地区食管癌患者癌因性疲乏以中重度为主,占57.5%;癌因性疲乏各维度得分排序为:行为维度>感觉维度>认知维度>情绪维度。(2)经分析发现,性别、在职与否、体质指数这3个因素对整体疲乏或各维度疲乏得分有显著影响(P<0.05)。汕头地区男性食管癌患者癌因性疲乏在情绪维度的疲乏得分高于女性;非在职患者的感觉维度疲乏得分高于在职患者;超重的食管癌患者癌因性疲乏程度的整体疲乏与认知维度疲乏比正常体质的人高。结论 (1)汕头地区食管癌患者癌因性疲乏发生率高,以中重度为主。(2)性别、在职与否、体质指数对汕头地区食管癌患者癌因性疲乏有显著的影响。 Objective To investigate the disease related information and carcinoma-related fatigue of oesophagus patients in Shantou area and analyze the related factors of cancer related fatigue, which subsequently give guidance to make individual intervention strategy. Methods The subject of 42 oesophagus patients in this study were selected by random sampling from 2012 April to 2013 March in Cancer Hospital of Shantou University Medical College and Shantou Central Hospital. Two questionnaires were used in this study, which were the disease related information questionnaire and the Piper Fatigue Scale. Results ( 1 ) The rate of fatigue for oesophagus patients who in the main severe in Shantou was 57.5% ; The fatigue dimension scores ranked in a descending order: behavior, sensory, affective and mood. (2) The analysis found that, the factors of gender, job or not, body mass index had significant effects on the overall fatigue or various dimensions ( P 〈 0. 05 ). In Shanton, the scores of male patients in mood dimension was higher than female patients ; The scores of Non-working patients in Shantou was higher than working patients in affective dimension; The scores of overweight patients in Shantou was higher than normal-weight patients in the overall fatigue and behavior dimension. Conclusions ( 1 ) The rate of fatigue for oesophagus patients in Shantou was high, most of patients with severe fatigue. (2) The analysis found that, the factors of gender, job or not, body mass index have significant effects on the overall fatigue or various dimensions.
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2014年第4期557-559,共3页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
基金 广东省特色专业建设项目
关键词 癌因性疲乏 食管癌 Cancer related fatigue Oesophagus cancer
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