师旷之聪,不以六律,不能正五音。是律之为具,乃开物成务,法天乘气所必由,万古圣王不易之匦度也。--《孟子》 如果说古琴的形制,体现的是文人雅士对于美好社会秩序以及天人合一境界的向往,那么藉由古琴所演绎的中国古代音律,以及用以传承古琴技艺的记谱方法,便是中国古人尊崇自然、法天乘气,乃至追求人性自由的体现.
If you do not understand temperament, even you have ears as sensitive as Shikuang' s, you can not adjust the five music scales. It is the rules that regulate things. When you thoroughly understand that, you can handle all the things accordingly, which is also the way to govern, and all the sacred kings in ancient times followed the way.
Quality and Standardization