Direct radiative capture processes are well described by a spherical potential model. Since most nuclei are not spherical, and in order for the model to explain direct radiative captures more accurately, the effect of nuclear deformation has been analyzed with q-deformed Woods-Saxon potential in this work. The results imply that nuclear deformation largely affects the direct radiative capture, and it should be taken into account when discussing direct capture reactions.
Direct radiative capture processes are well described by a spherical potential model. Since most nuclei are not spherical, and in order for the model to explain direct radiative captures more accurately, the effect of nuclear deformation has been analyzed with q-deformed Woods-Saxon potential in this work. The results imply that nuclear deformation largely affects the direct radiative capture, and it should be taken into account when discussing direct capture reactions.
the financial support provided by Anhui University of Science and Technology(11130,QN201315)