测试了C.I.颜料红122(PR122)在DMF、DMSO、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、乙醇、甲苯、正己烷和四氯乙烯等八种有机溶剂中的溶解行为,结果表明,PR122在DMF和DMSO中有可观的溶解度,它的最大吸收波长随溶剂极性的增大而增长,它在这两种溶剂中的摩尔吸光系数要比偶氮染料小1个数量级.PR122在乙酸乙酯、丙酮和乙醇中微溶,在甲苯、正己烷和四氯乙烯中几乎不溶.采用国家标准(GB/T5211.5-2008)方法测定该颜料在上述有机溶剂中的溶解度并不科学,原因在于该方法没有考虑到细小的颜料颗粒会穿过普通滤纸的孔径.在DMF中,PR122的溶解度标准曲线服从Y=136.5X+ 0.156,该回归方程的相关系数为0.9835,标准方差为0.1155;在DMSO中PR122的溶解度曲线服从下列数学式:y=96.5X+ 0.594,该方程的相关系数为0.9805,标准方差为0.0804.
The dissolution behaviors of C.I. Pigment Red 122 (PR 122) in eight organic solvents, such as, DMF, DMSO, acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate, toluene, hexane and tetra-chloro-ethylene, were measured, the results indicated that PR122 could be dissolved in DMF and DMSO visibly, and its maximum absorption wavelength would be longer in more polar solvents, while its molar extinction coefficient was one magnitude smaller than the one of azo dyes. PR122 could be dissolved in acetone, ethanol and ethyl acetate slightly, meanwhile it near does not dissolve in toluene, hexane and tetra-chloro-ethylene. Employing the national standard (GB/T5211.5-2008) to measure the solubility of the pigment in an organic solvent, the results do not give out the real solubility, because the method does not take into account the fine pigment particles which would aperture through ordinary filter paper. The standard curve of PR 122 in DMF was Y = 136.5X + 0.156, with the correlation coefficient r= 0.9835 and standard deviation of 0.1155. The standard curve of PR 122 in DMSO was Y = 96.5X + 0.594, with the correlation coefficient r= 0.9805 and standard deviation of 0.0804.
Shanghai Dyestuffs
C.I. pigment red 122
standard curve
maximum absorption wavelength