本文用硅胶吸附法对样品进行预处理,比较简便、快速。当调节水样 pH值为 2左右通过 1cm×5cm的硅胶柱吸附处理,可以消除浊度.色度的影响。在水样浓度为 1.0mg/L时,其相对标准偏差为 3.2%,加标回收率为94~106%。
It is convenient and rapid to pretreat sample with silica gel adsorption.When we regulate PH of the sample to2 and let sample pass through silica gel adsorption pillar it can e-liminate the influence of turbidity and colour of water. when the sample concentration is 1.0mg\ L, its ralative standard error is 3. 2%. The recover rate was found to be 94~ 106 %. This method is suitable for pretreatment of the determination of NH3 - N in water and waste water
Heilongjiang Environmental Journal