
知识关联、劳动者迁移与城镇化格局——基于新经济地理视角的理论分析与数值模拟 被引量:2

Knowledge Linkage,Labor Migration and Urbanization Pattern——A Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulation Based on the Perspective of New Economic Geography
摘要 文章基于Berliant&Fujita知识创新与扩散模型,扩展构建了2×3×3的空间动态均衡模型,对知识关联、劳动者迁移与城镇化格局之间的关系进行了理论分析和数值模拟。结果表明:在知识资本自由流动和劳动者自由迁移的情况下,城乡空间格局演化的内生动力来源于知识资本的收益率差异、劳动者的福利水平差距及其循环积累因果作用,最终可能演变成为两种均衡且稳定的"核心—边缘"型城镇化格局,这种均衡格局差异取决于城乡贸易自由度以及由现代产品支出份额、现代产品替代弹性、技能劳动者份额决定的临界值。 The paper develops a spatial dynamic equilibrium model based on Berliant and Fujita model of knowledge cre-ation and transfer. The model incorporates two regions, three sectors and three factors, and analyzes the relations among knowledge linkage, labor migration and urbanization pattern by means of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The results show that, on the case of free knowledge capital flow and labor migration, the endogenous power of urban-rural spa-tial pattern evolution comes from rate differences of knowledge capital gains, labor welfare gaps and cumulative causation ef-fects, and the urbanization would evolve into two kinds of core-periphery patterns when reaching spatial dynamic equilibri-um, which are dependant on the degree of freedom of urban-rural trade and its critical value decided by share of expendi-ture on modern products, elasticity of substitution between modern products, proportion of skilled labor.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第4期27-35,共9页 East China Economic Management
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目(2012YBJJ020)
关键词 知识关联 劳动者迁移 城镇化格局 空间动态均衡 knowledge linkage labor migration urbanization pattern spatial dynamic equilibrium
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