
欧洲高校教师薪酬透视:以瑞士、瑞典、芬兰为例 被引量:3

A European Perspective on University Teachers' Remuneration: the Cases of Switzerland,Sweden and Finland
摘要 面对日益复杂的全球化环境,如何建立和完善高校教师薪酬制度,提高高校管理水平和办学质量,已经成为当代教育的重要话题。欧洲高等教育区和研究区国家对此进行了不同模式的教育改革探索。瑞士的新薪酬制度改变了原来的随资历固定薪级薪酬递增模式,通过增强市场竞争力、提供全方位支持的工作环境和组织文化促进高校和个人的未来发展。瑞典在吸引、培养和保留优秀教师人才层面,从固定的薪酬阶梯转向个别化薪酬制度,最大程度上保障了招募高质量高校教师的外部人力资源环境。芬兰推出的高校UPJ薪酬制度为提高大学竞争力、领导力,促进高等教育的快速发展奠定了坚实的基础。虽然薪酬制度建设不存在普适模式,也没有现成模式,但不同国家教育体系的经验能够为我们规范薪酬治理、建设高素质教师队伍、推动科技竞争能力建设,提供有益借鉴。 An important issue for higher education today is to establish and perfect the university teachers' payment system so as to improve the quality of education and the effectiveness of administration and man-agement in colleges and universities. EHEA/ERA countries have developed different remuneration models in education reform. Switzerland abandoned the traditional rigid pay system which remunerates the employees on the pay scales determined by their respective ranks and the length of time in service and adopted a New Salary System with a payment structure that fosters the development of both organizations and individuals through en- hanced market competitiveness and a nurturing work environment as well as organizational culture. To attract, cultivate and retain outstanding teachers, Sweden switched from fixed pay grades to an individualized remunera- tion system--Swedish Individual Pay Bargaining, which creates a friendly human resource environment for re- cruiting high quality university teachers. Finnish new UPJ salary system has laid a solid foundation for enhan- cing the competitiveness and leadership of colleges and universities and accelerating the development of higher education. Although there does not exist a universal model, nor a ready-made one, the payment systems and models developed by these countries will be useful for us in regulating remuneration governance, building a high-quality faculty team and promoting scientific and technological competitiveness at a global level.
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期126-140,共15页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划教育学课题(A1209)
关键词 教师薪酬制度 瑞士新薪酬制度 瑞典个别化薪酬制度 芬兰高校UPJ薪酬制度 Teachers'payment System, Swiss New Salary System, Swedish Individual Pay Bargaining, Finnish UPJ Salary System
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