
科技支撑能力对现代服务业发展的影响分析——基于2006-2011年省际面板数据 被引量:1

An Analysis of Technical Supporting Ability's Influence on Modern Service Industry Development ——Based on 2006-2011 Provincial Panel Data
摘要 基于科技支撑能力的现代服务业成为国际经济新的增长点。通过建立影响现代服务业发展的理论模型,运用省际面板数据,对2006至2011年现代服务业发展与科技支撑能力的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:现代服务业的发展依赖于科技支撑能力的提高,然而科技支撑能力对于现代服务业的影响在行业间和地区间却呈现出不同的特点。从行业层面分析,科技支撑能力对于诸如金融、房地产等现代服务业部门的发展具有明显的促进作用;从地区层面分析,东部地区科技支撑能力对于现代服务业的促进作用更为显著。总体来看,相对于传统服务业,现代服务业部门的发展更加依赖于科技支撑能力的提高,完善科技支撑产业对于现代服务业部门的促进和渗透作用具有重要意义。 Modern service industry, which is based on the technology capacity, is becoming a new international economic growth point. After establishing the theoretical model for modern service industry, the article makes an empirical analysis on the relationship between modern service industry and technology capacity using the panel data. The results show that the development of modern service industry relies on the improvement of technology capacity. However, the effect of technology capacity on the modern service industry shows different characteristics in different sectors and different regions. From the aspect of industry, the technology capacity in modern service including finance and estate sector is more significant. From the aspect of region, the improvement effect of technology capacity in modern service industry in eastern regions is more significant than it is in middle and western regions. In general, compared with traditional service industry, the development of modern service industry relies more on the improvement of technology capacity. Therefore, it is more important for modern service industry to improve technology capacity.
作者 段国蕊
出处 《山东财政学院学报》 2014年第2期36-44,共9页 Journal of Shandong Finance Institute
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(12YJC790034) 山东省科技发展计划项目(2011GGX10601) 山东省经信委"两化融合"专项研究课题(2012EI023)
关键词 科技支撑能力 现代服务业 传统服务业 technology capacity modem service industry traditional service industry
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