大学制度起源于欧洲中世纪 ,是一个非常古老的制度 ,至今已有 80 0年的历史了。在这悠久的历史进程中 ,大学一方面执著于历史承袭下来的传统的性格 ;另一方面又使自身不断革新以适应现实的历史环境的变化 ,并在各种不同的时代和社会中扮演着独特的角色。知识经济时代大学更应全面拓展和加强其知识创新、培养人才、服务社会的
The university sy stem started in Europe in the Middle Ages is a very ancient system with a histor y of eight hundred years.In the past eight hundred years,universities have kept maintaining the traditional inheritance on the one hand and have reformed thems elves to adjust to the social and historical changes on the other hand.In additi on,they have played different roles in different times and societies.In the era of knowledge economy,universities should develop and strengthen the three functi ons of knowledge innovation,training qualified personnel and serving society.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)