职业教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分 ,并愈来愈占有重要的位置。但是在新的形势下 ,职业教育还没有走出传统的、普通的办学模式。对于我国职业教育存在的问题 ,我们应积极地思考 ,并博采众长 ,尽快予以解决 。
As an important p art of the educational cause in China,vocational education is becoming more and more important.However,under the new circumstances,vocational education is still restricted to the traditional and usual mode of running.Careful consider ation should be given to the current problems in the vocational education in our country to seek for a solution by adopting advantages from various sources so t hat the vocational education in our country can meet the demands of social devel opment.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)